i have, too, been playing with fifty-two cards. just 'cause i play so far from my vest... whatever i've got i've got no reason to guard. what could i do but spin my best?
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
yep, they're gross

Monday, June 25, 2007
big news weekend

Thursday, June 21, 2007
feliz cumpleanos!
oooooweee! it's sarah's birthday. : ) i am very sad to have no pictures of my dearest otherwise i would post one here. i will, however, wish her the happiest-sans-photos birthday EVER!!! love you, lover bug!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
all the noise Noise NOISE

Thursday, June 14, 2007
done and done
a) woo hoo! it worked! you're back to normal!
b) well, you haven't gotten any worse so let's just keep at it, or
c) sadly, it's not good news. time for the prednisone (at which point i will cry).
regardless what happens in august, right now i'm golden. thanks for thinking of me. your questions and concerns and hugs and kisses mean more than you know. and to be honest, i'm feeling very positive about the eventual outcome. in fact, i'm feeling too legit. too legit to quit. ha.
Monday, June 11, 2007
not titled, untitled, post minus title
quick note---pretty much everyone i know right now is busted up with some kind of injury or illness. i'm saying a quick prayer to allah that we all get on the mend quick so that the next get together is about nothing else but getting together. feel better, girls. baby needs you healthy.
incidentally, this picture is of my 10-year-old niece, hannah. will someone please tell me when on earth she grew up? look at that girl. gorgeous. : )

Friday, June 8, 2007
awwwww shit
see, i have these friends that i don't get to see enough, so when we get together for a few days it's not like we need a reason to celebrate. but if we did, jenny and jeff's engagement would be the perfect reason. kat and i are headed to tulsa tonight (please god let the weather cooperate) to see our favorite okies and this weekend promises to be a BLAST. and as ms. jennifer lenore barrow said this morning, "nothing can mess up this day." agreed. i couldn't have said it better myself. : )
p.s. today is jonathan's birthday. he does not read this blog, but it merits mentioning. : )
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
alive and well (mostly)

Monday, June 4, 2007
one hundred billion dollars

it was absolutely perfect. i love my housemates. : )