i have, too, been playing with fifty-two cards. just 'cause i play so far from my vest... whatever i've got i've got no reason to guard. what could i do but spin my best?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
don't call it a comeback
i'm ALIVE and still in CALIFORNIA. that's the takeaway message for this post. :) i am, again, jobless, as my previous employer decided to close up shop. he cried when he told me, but he handed me a big fat check (that didn't bounce) so i didn't cry at all. so here i am again, home most of the day, wishing for employment but trying desperately to enjoy myself because i know these days won't last forever. plus, i've got some dolla dolla bills y'all so at least i don't feel completely dependent on scott.
as far as updating you on what's been going on here, i'm not sure i remember anything outstanding enough to discuss... scott and i are having a fantastic time being together all the time, and, some time ago, finally ironed out most of the "holy shit we see each other every day instead of every six weeks" wrinkles in our relationship, which now leaves room for all the fun shit we do: beer festivals, crawfish boils, x-games at the staples center, baseball games at angels stadium... there is TONS to do here, but, alas, most of it is so expensive that the coolest things end up being just a tease. the mlb allstar game is here?! SWEET! I WANNA GO! oh, the cheapest ticket is $150? eh, perhaps i'll just catch the highlights on espn. that kind of thing. :)
i got home sunday night from my first trip back to arkansas as a california resident. it was NOT easy to leave. i mean, besides the fucking weather (HOW DO YOU EVEN BREATHE THERE ON A DAILY BASIS GOOD GOD THAT HEAT IS STIFLING I'M AN OLD LADY AND BITCH ABOUT HUMIDITY EVERY CHANCE I GET), i had soooooo much fun and miss all of my sweet arkansas girls soooooo much. *sigh*
so, i guess, california's still alright by me. i need two things to really feel at home here: 1. a JOB (oh god i need a fucking job) and 2. a good girlfriend. i have a candidate in mind, but i think she might be a little too nice for me. she lives down the street and she is super awesome and fun to hang out with, but i have not heard her say one cuss word. ever. and that kind of makes me feel like i have to cut out my cuss words that i treasure so dearly. and to that i say, FUCK. but, regardless, at least she makes me feel like i have someone to talk to and i don't have to make scott my girlfriend. he is not a good girlfriend at all. :) so, basically what i'm saying is, i'm starting to make friends in the land of bitches and skanks, but if any of you gets a wild hair and wants to move here to be my buddy, i will make it worth your while in tap dances and hugs. anyone? anyone? okay, just think about it though. :)
so i suppose that's it for now. i have a PICTURE POST in mind for later in the week, but, as usual, don't hold your breath, 'cause i've been known to take brief hiatuses from blogging from time to time. ha ha. see what i did there? i downplayed my blogging suckitude. until next time, children. don't forget that auntie m loves you. :) xo
Monday, April 12, 2010
weekend win

Thursday, April 1, 2010
buckle up
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
so here's what happened
Thursday, February 4, 2010
focus is not my forte
- getting out of my lease
- selling my car
- getting rid of all my furniture
- my rapidly dwindling cash flow
- my funny shape and its sore-thumb future in california
- pesky taxes
- too many bye byes to count
my blood pressure is high, but so is my confidence... for a few minutes each day. :) SIGH. reminder for self: you're good enough, you're smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like you. aaaaand REPEAT.
off to new orleans for the weekend. if you're lucky, you'll see a picture of me all dolled up for the mardi gras ball. i know, i know, you're waiting with baited breath.
enjoy your weekend, loverbugs. xox
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
i feel you, bro

instead, the hits just keep on coming. after giving my boss roughly seven weeks notice that i planned to leave this job, this city, this state, he informed me today that he won't be needing my services that long, and starting tomorrow i'm training someone to replace me. he wouldn't give me a definitive end date on my employment, but if it's more than another three weeks i'll be amazed. i guess it's true; no good deed goes unpunished, huh? now, this news clearly has several effects on me, as i'm sure it would on anyone. let's discuss what this means, shall we:
- my first instict was to say "fuck it" and roll out. i don't need this shit. but i didn't do that. awww, lookey there. baby's growing up. :)
- i kind of sort of saw this coming yesterday and i'm not at ALL ashamed to tell you that i called my mommy and shed some sad little tear droplets. i'm certainly not sad to be leaving this job (jesus i have been waiting and waiting), but because i have lost control of how it's happening.
- i guess i'm gonna be down a paycheck and a half. awesome? no. not even kind of.
- work should be SUPER fun for the next little while.
- there really should be a special font for when one is being sarcastic. see above.
so check it, i'll still be here until march 7th(ish). i'll be damned if i'm going to let today's events spoil an otherwise rockin' plan to have a going-away party on the 6th. (uh, still no details on that, by the way. could we just go to a bar and play some darts or something? will you still come if it's low-key?) the goodbye "chores" i've been dragging my feet on have hit a sudden acceleration, but i've been extremely productive under pressure before, so this shouldn't break me. i'm developing a financial plan that should ensure my head is above water (and hopefully my shoulders too, and maybe even part of my torso) for the duration, so even though i'll be eating a lot of ramen and tuna fish, i'll be fine. and imagine all the gas money i'll save not driving to this fucking office every day! (seriously, i need a sarcasm font. i'm going to develop one soon.)
i'm all jumbledy, i know, but i guess my point is that i'm trying to keep my chin up. it's fine. i'm fine. that storm trooper and i are a little down in the dumps about our jobs getting blowed up, but really, we'll both be fine. i'm going to go home and drink a bottle of wine whilst formulating THE PLAN further. stay tuned. xox
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
head games
Friday, January 15, 2010
done and done
Monday, January 4, 2010
looking back, looking forward
without further ado, i present the top five greatest things about my life in 2009:
5. getting my own place again. man, oh man, did i miss living alone. don't get me wrong, i loved living with tater bug, but baby needs her space. and now that i have it back, i'm not at all excited about eventually having to give it up ('cause i will eventually... sigh).
4. re-connecting with old friends. the internets were very, very good to me in 2009. the twitters and the facebook and all that jazz let me virtually hold the hands of people i have missed oh so much. quite thankful for this one indeed.
3. all the travelling! goodness i feel like i've been on planes or in hotels as much as i've been in my own house last year. this will be slowing up significantly in 2010, for all the right reasons. (winkety wink!)
2. babies, babies, babies! i've been so blessed to have the opportunity to watch close friends find out babies are on the way, have babies, raise babies. seeing my friends as mommies is amazing and awe-inspiring and they make me incredibly optimistic and more calm about the time in my life when i am in the same boat.
1. scott. yeah yeah, i said it. shut up. :)
as far as resolutions go for the new year, i'm so bad at keeping specific ones like "stop biting nails" and "drink less beers" that i will just make one big, broad, sweeping resolution that i will more than likely just make every year from now on:
be nicer to self. take better care of self. put self first. and once self is steady, dole out more hugs and kisses to important other selves.
happy 2010, friends. love you all so much. :)