the above photo is my boy mike and his bomb-ass girlfriend
meggie who are in town for the night and chilling at the house with us. i have known/adored mike for years and his girlfriend is quickly becoming my new favorite person.
this is the second three-day weekend this month and i am jazzed up about it. i have no plans but to drink and sleep and
reeeeelax until
tuesday. i definitely needed a long weekend for sure. : )
wednesday afternoon is my appointment with the
pulmonologist (is that the right word?). i guess they have to take the tissue off my lungs, so i have a consultation this week and then the biopsy probably the next week. yikes. i just want to be done with it. : ) as if it wasn't bad enough, i apparently have had some minor allergic reaction to one of the numerous pills they've had me take and i now have small but distinct areas on my face that look like hives. AWESOME.
i guess i don't have too much to say today, except thanks. thanks to you guys for all the good vibes. thanks to the government for paid days off. and thanks to
jesus for miller light, sunshine, and coma-like sleep.