ah, lent. lent scares me. my roommates and i were trying to decide last night what to give up for forty WHOLE days (it's forty, yeah?). as i was running through a mental list of all my varied, ridiculous vices, i couldn't think of one i really wanted to give up. what does that say? that i like being a mess? that i am incapable of a challenge? maybe it just says i like the way i roll and i'm not even catholic so who really cares. anyhow, i am all about some celebrating so fat tuesday is a tradition i can get behind, religious affiliation aside. if anyone needs me i'll probably be nursing a beer before i even have dinner. how are you celebrating?
so here's i celebrate fat tuesday...AMERICAN IDOL IS ON TONIGHT. i don't have time for your fancy traditions. i have my own tradition. sorry, mardi gras but simon will win out every time. every time. *sigh*
yay beer. that sounds good. my hubby is out of town, but i don't see any reason why i should not call some friends and ring in fat tuesday's without him!?
glad you liked my cow stool. me too. let the haters hate, your right. since you are so supportive, if the hater i live with ever just insists i get rid of it, i'll pass it on to you!
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