Monday, November 12, 2007

highest highs, lowest lows

ups and downs, that's what it's all about right? i had a fantastic friday night with someone new whose company i enjoy more and more. and i had a fantastic saturday with my roommates plus a few new faces, just relaxing at the house and laughing until it hurts which is the cure for any ailment. and i was having a fantastic sunday, until i got terrible, terrible news that's affecting someone i love. i won't go into it because i know that would only make matters worse. but may i make a request? after you read this, can you close your eyes tightly or cross your fingers or say a prayer for some unknown heartbreak? it would mean the world to me, if only me. a happier post tomorrow, i hope.


Anonymous said...

fingers crossed tight. :( hope everything works out with whatever it is.

care said...

done and done.

and a few warm fuzzies for you, too.

Big Mike said...

Fingers crossed....and my arms are wrapped tightly around you sending the biggest hug that I can muster right now. I love you.

Anonymous said...

long distance hugs are the best.

Anonymous said...

well, not really, they're kind of the worst. but you know what i mean right?

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

don't forget to hug the svengali for me.