ahhh back to work. shit. : ) the weekend was a blast. the drive to tulsa never seems as bad when i'm with kat. it literally couldn't have taken more than an hour, right? the party was a success, even through the rainy weather and it was so good to see everyone. really good. and if you live in the greater tulsa area and find yourself wanting to go out to breakfast at a cheap little hole in the wall (which are usually my favorite), please steer clear of that one on harvard. maybe it's not on harvard. i'd print the name but that may be considered slander. anyhow, i went there twice in two days, one time with one other person and once with thirteen others, and good god. ridiculous. okay enough about that. congratulations to jenny and jeff, and thanks for having me. i had a fantastic time. love love love you guys.
quick note---pretty much everyone i know right now is busted up with some kind of injury or illness. i'm saying a quick prayer to allah that we all get on the mend quick so that the next get together is about nothing else but getting together. feel better, girls. baby needs you healthy.
incidentally, this picture is of my 10-year-old niece, hannah. will someone please tell me when on earth she grew up? look at that girl. gorgeous. : )

she looks just like her gorgeous mommy. except for her chin. ugh. she got that from her dad. ugh again.
she is a BEAUTY! and a HANEY fo sho! glad you have a wonderful time sorry that breaky SUCKED!
torential rain would have been a lot worse if i had not had a surplus of margaritas to drown my sorrows.
i am still exhausted. i'm getting too old!
had a blast seeing you lover. cannot wait until we meet again. until then, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! k. k. k.
i'll email you my phone, you do the same.
i'm glad to hear to you're in such good spirits little lady. i miss you and love you to the moon and back. :)
What's my little "girlfriend" up to these days? Remember when Megan got jealous of Hannah? That was hilarious. Now, I brace myself for the ill-tempered comments that your sister will, no doubt, unleash.
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