- friday night at the saucer. UNBELIEVABLE, i know. and in case you're wondering, you can throw all the darts you have in your hands and all of them stick to the board. i mean, you can if you're rad like i am.
- if you're standing outside in the street on your cell phone and you see a suspicious vehicle, go ahead and make your way back to the house. or, you can just stand there and be yelled at by a hooligan. your choice.
- GET UP BEFORE 11 AM. good god, what are you, 17?
- people who are not from the south can make a pretty mean pecan pie. who would've guessed?
- do not try to sneak a cigarette in the driveway when your roommates have noses like hound dogs.
- everything really is nicer on a 42" plasma tv. it's especially nice if it doesn't cost you a dime. hooray for roommates with big dreams and good credit. : )
- two glasses of red wine will not only relax you, it will knock your ass out.
okay, that's basically all the wisdom i have to pass on for now. hope everyone made the most of their weekends. and i hope none of you has monday worry knots in your stomach like i do.
I want that doormat. But only sometimes.
and, untie those knots, girlie!
I cant drink red wine. It makes me mean.. Or maybe I just use it as an excuse to be mean.. Either way. I dont drink it. ;)
great weekend fun. Mine was totally boring, I went shopping for other people's shoes.
Quit bragging about your enormous....tv.
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