can't nobody hooooooold me down, oh no! (i am, of course, singing the diddy/mase version of this song). sooooo i went to the lung doctor yesterday and GUESS WHAT. i'ma be just fine. : ) apparently, i have been a very good girl this summer and my lung capacity is at
83% and dr. squire is certain that i am done done done done DONE with the sicky sicky!!!!! that up there is me making my wow face at what, to me, is basically the BEST NEWS EVER! old lung doctor (aka dr. poop, aka dr. i hope i never see that jerk again) "forgot" to send my biopsy results so i'll have to go back and see dr. squire next month just to be sure, but after i let them take my urine and my blood
and did chest x-rays, dr. squire pretty much gave me the all clear. AY AY AY AY AY!!! although i'm not quite out of the woods (i may never be; dr. squire gave me a list of things to make red flags should they occur, i.e. persistent nausea, trouble swallowing [no jokes necessary, thank you], etc. etc.), i feel like i won the lottery or something! *sigh* pretty much everyone i know has had some sort of medical issue lately so me making this (basically) full recovery is hopefully a trend that will continue. maaaaan, i feel so good. SOOOO GOOOOOD!!! and, in case anyone's counting, it's t minus six days until mi cumpleanos. thursday, you have heard my prayers. all right, enough about me. i'm off to buy a pack of cigarettes. RELAX I'M JUST KIDDING.
HOORAY!!!!!!!!! Melissa and her lungs ROCK my world.. and way to go on curbing the swallowing comments..I would have made one..
Hoorayyyyyyyyyyy, lungs!
happy little lungs.
hip hip hooray little girl!! you're right..this is the BEST NEWS EVER. xoxoxo
Yay!! What good news to get!
good for you. Way to go lungs.
one time, my freshman year, my calculus professor put an exclamation point next to my 83 on a test because he was so proud of me for getting it.
I'm passing that exclamation point on to you, girlie!
have a good weekend!!!
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