it's the day of the eve of my birthday, and 23 has been a pretty big year. let's look back, shall we? i left mtn. home for conway to go back to school, and although i haven't made it back to college yet, that was a positive step toward growing the hell up. i experienced quite a few problems with my car, my lovely lovely malibu, but like $600 and lot of headache later, girl's in as good a shape as ever (knock on wood!). my lungs kind of quit on me, and that was a mess. i'm sure you remember that. but as recently as last week it seems as though i may come out on the other side of that basically unchanged. I QUIT SMOKING which is huge news that i think my family, friends, and body all appreciate. that may be about it as far as big happenings go... maybe not that much has happened in twelve months... : )
this is the first birthday in a long time where i actually
feel a whole year older. i look a little different, too. i've learned quite a bit since last september and it feels good to be turning 24. i feel like i've earned a new age for all i've put myself through and all that's been thrust upon me. i'd go into detail, but you've probably already heard my piece more than once. : ) so now it's your turn. what's the most important thing you've learned since your last birthday? c'mon, don't be shy. it won't be all about me until tomorrow. : )
What did I learn? Trust yourself first.
Happy Birthday. I promise you're not old.
everything happens for a reason.
your body can grow as large as you need it to. being honest with yourself makes everything else a whole lot easier. i'm probably never gonna make it to conway to party. Happy early birthday! and you're not old. yet.
hahaha you are youngtimes. what did i learn? ummm, that i can do more than i thought i could. that there is a job out there that i care about. that some people like stuff that i do. and that i might be willing to someday parent a kiddo.
hey old lady. 24 will be a good year. i don't know what i have learned - um...keep nourishing my friendships despite distance and age... it is essential to my marriage! :) AND don't waste your precious "freetime" on people who don't make you laugh. we're too old for that shit. love love. kiss kiss.
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