i am definitely a victim of departmental fattening, that is FOR SURE. man, these girls love them some potluck, you know? and they don't bring nasty store-food; these people go home and MAKE DELICIOUS TREATS that i have a very hard time resisting. and so, rather than hope pilates will melt away the excess (ha! it didn't work last fall, did it melissa?), i have signed up with a trainer at my gym and project let's-get-this-girl-looking-hot-like-she-was-20-again is underway. pretty soon, i'll be looking like this: (only maybe less cartoon-y)

please let it work please let it work please let it work please let it work please let it work. i'm vain and i can't afford lipo.
I think you're overreacting a bit. You're really good looking. The cartoons make me laugh though.
i am huge. last week at an outback the manger asked when my baby was do. I ounched him in the face
I blame jobs for making us lose muscle, eat more, and gain lbs..Therefore, I blame "the man" for making us females put on the lbs just to be career driven. DAMN THE MAN
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