the first guy to dub wednesday "hump day" probably laughed and laughed and laughed. and, usually, wednesdays are not so bad. hump day, ha. that's kind of funny. but matthew fox and i are on the same page about this particular wednesday.
it's not even lunchtime yet (and i go to lunch kinda early, people) and already i am giving the finger to this stupid day. ugh. the ONLY saving grace about today (especially in light of the fact that this afternoon will more than likely not see an incline in non-suckiness) is that america's next top model will be on tonight. help me, tyra. for pete's sake, HELP ME TYRA. wednesday's a blood-sucker. march 21st is not welcome here any longer (until 7pm). also, i had a nightmare about sanjaya from american idol last night. a full-on nightmare. i really should have just stayed home today.
Of course I remember you (in reference to the comment you left me last week). ANTM is the little jem that helps me get through the middle day of the week too. I love that it's on Wed.!
Mr. Fox? That's silly. His name is Jack. Dr. Jack, to you. The reason he's pissed off is because Locke blew up the damn submarine and his only shot to get off the island!
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