so these are from TriviaNightTuesday and boy was it fun. lots of friends, lots of beers, LOTS of wrong answers! just a quick post today (crazy, right?) because i wanted to display these lovely pictures. if you missed america's next top model last night, either because you are on a tv-fast or because you are BANANAS IN THE HEAD, good golly you missed a good one. i am going to try my best not to let every post immediately following an episode be a review of said episode, but i am also well-practiced at ignoring my own good intentions. so i guess we'll see. i'm off to the home of the mountains tomorrow, so i hope everyone has a good weekend. pour one out for your homey. holla back.
if your blog becomes nothing but a sounding board on the awesomeness that is america's next top model, i'll probably become your #1 fan. i mean, more than i already am, if that's possible. just let it be known that i called jaslene from week one.
oh how i wish i lived closer... love trivia games. and adding beer to the mix...even betta.
need your email address so you can read the gray area blog...though i RARELY update it anymore. it was my original blog...oh my gosh I've almost been BLOGGING FOR ONE WHOLE YEAR! wow.
my email is sjhgray@gmail.com
email me bitch.
are you watching australia's next top model on vh1? i dvr'd it. i wonder if it will come close to our own antm.
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