Tuesday, March 31, 2009

here i am...

...and there i go!

craziness in central arkansas. CRAZINESS. allow me to elaborate. (you know i couldn't be succinct even if my life depended on it. he he he.) i am currently...
  • remembering that short work weeks are always actually the longest
  • leaving for the golden state in approximately 50ish hours with nothing yet packed
  • looking for new place to live as mine is no longer available, but...
  • ...totally fine with it, and maybe...
  • ...sort of kind of excited to have some new hotness!
  • wondering if my girl celia will get the boot on antm after that outburst last week
  • over-caffeinating and,
  • more than likely regretting that soon
  • guessing that, if my list-making skills are any indication, i am maybe better at twittering than blogging

okay, i guess that's about it. maybe it's less crazy around here than i thought. the excess coffee gives me a sense of urgency. :) seacrest OUT.


miya p. said...

i am so so SO glad to have you back...the past few days without a peep from you has been excruciating.

i miss you when you are away :(

Jax said...

I LOVE the excess coffee..hahahaha.. Hilarious! And fun trip! YAY! :) You'd better blog or tweet or do soemthing I can read. xoxo!

Big Mike said...

Ghetto Harmonizing....Surprising....Run it back because Melissa is like Ohhhhhh...

Sarah said...

love the list, will miss you this weekend, but have a blast anyway.

love you.

Megan said...

uuuuuuuuuupdddddddddaaaaaaaaaaattttttttteeeeeee please and thank you.