so it's friday and it's about damn time. at this time tomorrow i will be sleeping and not working. that thought is more than likely enough to keep me going today. and since saturday night will probably see me drowning in beer, i think i shall take this evening to order a pizza, drink a glass of wine (or two or three) and watch aladdin, the incredibles, the little mermaid, or finding nemo. or all of them. who knows?
take it easy, friends. have a good weekend. and if you're in the greater little rock area tomorrow night and want to see me look short in comparison to someone, give me a call.
First of all...(A) Thank you for not posting a dumb looking picture of me. (#2) I might get drunk enough to do air-splits, toe-touches, and other crazy acts. (Roman Numeral III) EVERYONE looks small in comparison to Mike "Freak Show" Howard.
hey hot stuff. glad you guys had a good weekend? did you ever get in touch with angie? anyhow...thanks for posting on facebook my lack of wall signings. i think it's because people don't know what to say...:(
ps--"glad you had a good weekend" is not a question. i'm just a terrible proofreader i guess.
The proportions of candy corn to peanuts is completely up to you. I just dump a bunch of them in a bowl and eat them together. Sooo good. See you on Wednesday!
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