isn't she wonnnnn-derrrr-fullllllll? yes, stevie, she is. baby girl got a haircut. a MAJOR one. and she looks absolutely adorable! if i could rock short hair, believe me i would. but i do not have my sister's round face and perfect little features. she looks Precious with a capital P. and i don't really use capital letters so the previous sentence shows you how serious i am. in other news i am starving and it's t minus 17 minutes and counting until lunch time. also, tomorrow is the season finale of ANTM and oh GOOD GRACIOUS i am on pins and needles. bring it home, jaslene. or renee. as long as the russian goes home empty-handed, i'm good. okay, now it's only 16 minutes. colton's here i come.
you're the sweetest girl ever. :) one of these days i'll get you a picture with my hair acutally fixed and then you can post that one instead. i looooooove my sister!!!
she is beautiful!!!!! and full of piss and vinager now! WATCH OUT!
Tonight's the finale for Top Model...! Who's going to win?
what?!!? i love natasha. renee is poop. jaslene would be ok.
Boo!!! I have to work tonight at the pharmacy until 11PM, which means I'll be watching it tomorrow online. Double Boo!!!
i mean natasha is obviously crazy...but at least she isn't a manipulative b***h! i like jaslene, though. she is hilarious.
can i get an update?
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