in other news, my girl jessica is leaving on a jet plane. actually i think she's flying U.S. air. i'm not sure. anyhow, she takes off for alaska this weekend for the whole summer to study birds and party her ass off. i'll miss you big time, j-tower. when you get back in august we're going on a week-long bender. no i am not kidding.
in other other news, tomorrow is kat's birthday! you know my stance on birthdays. and this is no exception. i am jealous jealous jealous and greeeeeen with envy that she is celebrating in the sunshine state. happy 2-6 kat! you're an all-star, sister. give the beach some love from me.
okay, i guess that's pretty much it. melissa.... out.
melissa haney......you will be at my office in like 1/2 an hour and i don't think i can wait any longer. god daaaaaaang. ps--i totally feel you on the rain. go away already. jeez.
you just left here and although i told you how much i adore you before you walked out the door. i wanted to tell you again. ho ho is SOOOO very proud of you and loves you to the moon and back. and not in a stalky, unhealthy way either. the best thing you could have done was drive away from mtn. home. you are so much bigger and better than this place. keep rocketing through the stars baby girl. they were made for you. xoxoxoxo
Don't listen to hoho! It's tOtally in a stalky, yet healthy way...
Is it just me, or is she channeling Kasey Kasem there with the "rocketing through the stars" part? :)
I hate rain....it's such a pain...it drops onto the lane...melts sugar cane...but everntually must drain. This rhyme was brought to you by your BK.
i am a professional with "ugly cry face". bring on the hallmark cards!
grrr it rained ballz here today. grr!
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