i went to sleep friday night at 1am, knowing full well i would have to get up at 5am to go to the race for the cure. 5 on the dot---my cell phone rings and the chipper voice on the other end is the recipient of my jesus-i-need-more-sleep grumpiness. yes, i had my mom call to wake me up. no, i do not typically get up that early, especially on the weekend. yes, i realize this makes me a giant baby. no, i'm not twisted about it. i soooo thought about assing out. but you know what? i'm really glad i went. it felt great to be a part of something so big. and all the people on the sidelines made me feel kind of like a celebrity. and i got back home long about the time i'm usually waking up on saturdays, which was certainly a strange feeling. plus, it's not like i don't need the exercise. : )
co-worker sara gets a shout. she's such a cutie. this is us mid-5k. blurry, but i think adorable still. yes, our company shirts were camo. wow.
these firefighters were dancing to "push it." and when i say dancing, i mean BREAKIN IT DOWN. seriously. they were awesome.
funny, i don't remember asking him to come with me....
like a fool, i took no pictures of my sweet sister or my daddy all weekend. what a TOOL. next time, next time i promise. i hope everyone had as good a weekend as i did. megs, good to see you. sisters make the gardens grow. okay, gotta hit the bricks. i think it's movie night...
your pictures are great. i'm so proud of you for doing the 5k. you're a good girl; i don't care what anybody says. talk to you soon.
Love this post! So cute! :) Proud of you for doing the race, too, lovely. How is it that you and Kat (aka former smokers) can run aq friggin race and I cant make it up the damn stairs? *sigh*
um those camo shirts are cute. and high five for getting out of bed. :)
thats absolutely awesome that you did that! i'm proud of you. and you're not the only one that has mommy call every now and then ;)
and look at you posting pics like a pro! so proud
Fun, fun, fun. The best part HAD to be those hot firemen dancing to "Push It". Ay-yi-yi-yi-YIIII!
PS: I'm no longer "Mike on Strike", so you can change that portion of you blog.
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