Thursday, February 28, 2008


megan's here, work is finished (as of 7:30pm... these long days are for the birds), laundry is in the dryer, prescription is picked up, bags are (sort of) packed, and now, at 8:43, i'm about to eat dinner and go to bed. ol megs and i are leaving bright and early on a road trip to new orleans to see our MOMMY who we miss so much. road trip road trip! i'm off work until tuesday, and it's just going to be me and my homegirls, drinkin in the french quarter. *sigh* holla holla, catch you guys on the flip flop! have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

you guys need to have too much fun..have a few for me

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

can't wait to hear all the wonderful details!

katandkarl said...

:) be safe.

katandkarl said...

and if you can't be safe, be sanitary.

Big Mike said...

Jealousy is coursing through my body as I type. Alas, I wish you the best. Have a great time with Fatty and Colleen. Tell them both that I said hi. Also, enjoy a Hurricane for me.

Chandle said...

If you get bored or need to pee, stop in Baton Rouge, I'll be home, I have no life.

145 Kernan Ave.
Baton Rouge, LA