so a woman that a friend of mine knows is looking for a surrogate mother. and she's offering some pretty insane financial compensation in exchange for growing her baby. and while i will probably (probably...) not have to ever worry about whether or not i'm able to do something like that for someone, it got me to thinking... how much would it take for me to consider carrying someone else's child? would the money be enough? would i get too attached? if i knew i was just cookin' it for someone else, could i give that gift? i mean, to ANYONE? what if (knock on wood) someone i really loved needed that from me? could i help? not should i, but could i? i don't know this woman, and it's definitely not something to which i need to give any more thought than this, but it just makes you wonder, you know? could you do it? would you?
hmmmmmmmmmmmm. i guess that i probably could. hmm. would i, though? i don't know.
I couldn't, and not because of the lack of proper plumbing. I couldn't do it at all. I don't think I could even donate semen. Weird or not?
i told my aunt i would do it for her because she was having so much trouble getting preggo. of course saying it and doing it are two totally different things. (she finally did get preggers, fyi). at the time, matt said he would not mind, but we did decide that if ever that should be, we would like to go through our own pregnancy first, for the experience of having our first child be our first child.
all in all, i think it is a pretty awesome thing. i'd like to think i would. and i'd also hope that if need be, there would be someone to do the same for me, ya know?
*she was not having trouble getting preggo, she was having trouble carrying the baby....
i could and have offered.
i don't think i could do it for a perfect stranger, but for someone i loved, absolutely. but i think it's a little beside the point. as a future biologist, i'm all for spreading your genes, but i feel it's hardly necessary anymore for the evolvement and survival of the human race. with $20,000, you could give a kid a chance in this world who never stood one to begin with, whether it be from the US or abroad. i know too many people who have dropped $30,000 plus on in vitro and artifial insemination, burried a few babies in the process, and finally ended up with a keeper. i'd a adopt a 5 year old before i'd risk 1/2 of my embryos only surviving to 5 months and having miscarriage after stillborn and so on. there's no denying that adoption is difficult and expensive in itself, but God damn...we are weird creatures. if a turtle can adopt a hippo and a tiger can adopt a pig, surely we can adopt and love without too much stress if we can't have our own. it seems like it would almost be adopting a kid anyway, yeah, it's probably going to look like you (but i know lots of people who look nothing like their parents), but the fetus bonded with another mother and another gave birth to it. i love what science and technology can do for us, but sometimes i think we're playing with fire...and i've seen people get burned doing this kind of thing. -t
i will let you know after i birth a child. :) (but i would like to say yes i would if karl and i were both behind the reasoning)
I think I'm going to adopt my own self, I'll save the baby-havin to someone else.
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