Saturday, January 26, 2008

happy anniversary, blog

one year ago today, i started this blog. i was at kat and karl's house on a very peculiar night when it all began. after numerous beers and some pretty strange company, i thought starting a blog was the best. idea. ever. whatever gave me that idea? i'm looking for somewhere to lay the blame... and look where we are now. : ) it's been funny, it's been boring, and it's been therapeutic. i hope you've enjoyed it as i have. happy birthday blog! i'd say "and many more," but i'm not sure if i mean it...
incidentally, the night i started this blog is the same night i met this girl:
you remember, sarah bug? happy anniversary to you, too. xox


care said...

yay for blog-a-versaries. :)

megan said...

happy birthday blog!! shouldn't this thing be able to walk soon? or is the blog year to human year ratio much different than i think?

Big Mike said...

I'm so glad that night happened! One "blog-year" is equivalent to three "human-years", so you should look into some potty training techniques for lil' CIIM. (Check It, It's Melissa)

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! for it's a jolly good blog, for it's a jolly good blog.... lalala

Sarah said...

we've been friends for a year!!! my how time flies, i cannot believe it!!!! when we come to LR next week, we're going to have a birthday cake for friendship! cannot wait to see you my lovely friend.

Sarah said...

ps. i love this picture; i just happen to love pictures of myself laughing.

also, i agree with the label... a very strange night!!!