Sunday, February 8, 2009

just a thought

how is it that sunday nights are always filled with anxiety and dread for monday, when sunday mornings are sooooo fantastic? when do i crossover from relaxed to tense? after dinner? i'll have to investigate... i used to think saturday night was my favorite part of the week, but it is fast becoming sunday morning. there's a fine line between them, you know...


miya p. said...

someone didn't go out drinking last night, or at least doesn't have a hangover. talk to me again next time your saturday night is filled with mad dog 20/20 and purple ciscos.

Sarah said...

i'm totally with you. when does the anxiety begin? at some point it sets in...sundays are bitter sweet.

Jax said...

I concur. totally. I think it's somewhere around sundown..when my day is officially "done." *le sigh*